How to find flexible jobs that pay well

Alexis DinersteinMay 10, 2022

Are you just entering the workforce and looking for a job that meets your standards for being a productive employee? Are you looking to transition to a more flexible position that can accommodate your family, career or even academic ambitions? Just looking for a change and a position that offers more flexibility and work-life balance? There’s no better time than now to find a flexible job that pays well, blending your professional needs with your personal preferences. CO.CAREERS is designed to help job-seekers at any stage of their professional journey find the right position.

Good jobs are positions that include flexible work culture, meaningful work, and pay enough so you won't need a second job. By default.

In order to find you the best job possible that meets your needs, we have committed to the following principles:

  • We at CO.CAREERS believe that organizations exist to serve people, and we are excited to amplify the opportunities that exist at organizations that put humans first.
  • We aim to guide individuals to economic opportunity by bringing awareness to meaningful roles, and making them more accessible.
  • Our Good Jobs Search Engine is updated with fresh jobs daily. And we are regularly onboarding new human-centered employers.

What should you look for in a flexible job that pays well?

What are some of the criteria to look for when searching for good, human-centered companies? Rely on our Good Jobs Scoring System.

Office perks aren’t what compel people to perform. Having a job that blends productivity with the ability to live an engaging life provides balance and a constructive environment to perform professionally. Using our 5-point, good jobs scoring system, we are able to identify the factors that indicate human-centered employers.

Flexibility is highly sought relative to scheduling and time off, and our algorithm helps to clearly identify workplaces that value flexible schedules. Using the good jobs scoring system, organizations with a full 40-hour weekly schedule score a half-point, and organizations with a 35-hour or less weekly schedule for FTEs score a full point. Organizations with a 41-45-hour or greater schedule earn zero points, and those 46-hour or greater earn a negative full point.

Professional Development is equally important relative to career advancement and maximum productivity. The CO.CAREERS good jobs scoring system takes into a variety of factors regarding professional development, including paid professional development training and volunteer opportunities; organizations with a minimum of $500 available professional development stipend per year score a half-point, and a full point with a $1,500 available stipend per year for professional development, or conversely a full-point for regularly available workplace Volunteering opportunities (at least yearly). If none of these are available, there will be zero points.

Remote-friendly organizations provide an even greater level of flexibility and accommodation relative to work location, scheduling and coordinating personal necessities such as childcare or health appointments. CO.CAREERS identifies employers who consider it a perk or privilege and remote-first organizations. Most modern startups are remote-first and score a full point in this area. If none of these are available, there will be zero points.

Employee satisfaction and performance help to create workplaces that harmonize productivity with performance.  Organizations who have available resources for well-being, such as physical workout perks, score a half-point; if they also have mental health resources available, or even offer to pay for therapy session(s), they score another half-point here. This can include apps like Calm or Fabulous, for example, or an HR- curated list of resources. If none of these are available, there will be zero points.

Good organizations understand that a proper work-life balance is critical to long-term performance and overall achievement. Human-centered employers aren’t asking employees to stay late or work for free.  Organizations that offer a parental leave policy and flexible schedules score a full point. Those that only offer flexible schedules get a half-point. 

How to use CO.CAREERS to find the flexible career that works for you

CO.CAREERS provides a unique, interactive and comprehensive platform for finding the perfect job that matches your skill set and workload preferences.

CO.CAREERS Good Jobs platform showing job search for "UX Design"
Job searcher depicted searching for UX Design in the new CO.CAREERS Good Jobs Search Engine

Users can sign up to get weekly job notifications based on their search preferences. Entering a preferred employment keyword, such as “Design” or “programmer” provides the immediate search queue that can be narrowed down further based on the location where you wish to work.

The current job posting types you will see revolve around:

Logged in user finds 139 fresh UX design jobs at good organizations
Logged in user depicted searching for UX design and finding 139 real UX design jobs posted in the last month

Further search queues can be narrowed down using the following search criteria. Users can choose from the following job types to accommodate work preferences:

  • Full Time
  • Part Time
  • Contract
  • Internship
  • Temporary

Users can identify positions based on when they are posted, such as:

  • Any time
  • Less than 24 hours
  • Less than 7 days
  • Less than a month.

Employers can use CO.CAREERS to connect with diverse talent in their community

CO.CAREERS isn’t just for candidates looking for a flexible position. Employers can also create a free account with a simple signup process that links to a work email account that immediately allows employers to post positions and interact directly with prospective candidates. CO.CAREERS vastly simplifies the hiring process and streamlines communication while making placement in flexible and accommodating positions that much easier.

Self-Service Information to Reduce Effort During the Job Search

Self-service information is published to help make it easy to find a good job that suits you. And managing any account issues is also greatly simplified using the FAQ section that answers various important concerns ranging from account setup to managing employment queries for candidates and employers alike and account optimization guidance. For users with questions unanswered by the FAQ section, users may utilize the Knowledge Base, as well as use a contact form to get in touch with CO.CAREERS directly to have all of their questions answered.

Find Practical, Up-to-Date Career Resources in the Knowledge Base

The knowledge base section provides practical career resources that are regularly updated to help candidates stay abreast of professional development guidance and guidelines that can help to improve one’s chances of finding a good job.

You can discover a new career path and get exclusive tips for high-earning career paths like UX design, Web Design and Development, Marketing, and Communications.

As college programs fail to prepare the future workforce, they are often obsolete once someone graduates, especially in technology and human-centered design. As such, it is necessary to get up-to-date career guides, articles, videos, and other practical career resources that can be helpful today—not 4 years from now.

Keep in Mind that CO.CAREERS is in Public Beta Testing

Your feedback will be critical in improving the platform, and telling your friends and colleagues about CO.CAREERS Good Jobs Search Engine only helps to expand on our mission. For more of the exciting improvements coming, see the outline of the next phase of the product roadmap.

Alexis Dinerstein is a freelance writer

Alexis Dinerstein is a freelance writer with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He specializes primarily in writing content about healthcare, design and construction, personal wellness, diet and exercise, and travel and leisure, as well as best business practices, investing strategies, and emergent technology.

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One comment on “How to find flexible jobs that pay well”

  1. I've updated this guide to include more specific information on using the new CO.CAREERS platform to find a good job and practical career resources. I've also added a little more context around what practical and up-to-date career resources entail.

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